Friday, April 13, 2012

English Foot Soldier vs Greek Hoplite

Beginning Analysis: What happens when one of England's most professional fighters takes on Ancient Greece's most proficient soldier? Read on to see!?

English Foot Soldier
Short Range: English Longsword
Medium Range: English Glaive
Long Range: English Longbow
Armor: Chainmail & Buckler

Greek Hoplite
Short Range: Xiphos Short Sword
Medium Range: Xyston Spear
Long Range: Sling
Armor: Bronze Breastplate & Hoplon Shield

Who Got the Edge
English Longsword vs Xiphos Short Sword: The English Longsword gets the edge. It's long blade, coupled with it's ability to bludgeon as well as slash & thrust, allows to to kill without having to get too close.The Xiphos is a good sword, but it length is a drawback in this fight.

English Glaive vs Xyston Spear: The Xyston Spear gets the edge. It's 12-foot length means that it will get more kills before the 7-to-8-foot Glaive can reach the Hoplite.

English Longbow vs Sling:
The English Longbow gets the edge. It has a far greater range than the sling, and can generally kill a person in one shot. The sling, on the other hand, has a poor range, and usually doesn't get a kill unless the shot is aimed for the head.

Chainmail & Buckler vs Bronze Breastplate & Hoplon Shield: The Hoplite's Bronze Breastplate & Hoplon Shield get the edge. The Chainmail is effective against slashing weapons, but the Hoplite's Xiphos & Xyston are primarily piercing & thrusting weapons, something that chainmail isn't always effective against. Meanwhile, the Buckler is just too small to block larger weapons, but good for deflecting smaller weapons & arrows. The Hoplon Shield, on the other hand, is large, and covers much of the Hoplite when it's held in front of him.

In a lone tower on the misty English countryside, a lone Foot Soldier keeps watch for anything that might cause trouble. Having been put in this tower by his superiors, the soldier eagerly accepted the order in a chance to prove himself. Although it was lonely in the tower, the solitude & lack of noise allowed the soldier to perform with little interference. It was on this day, however, that his life would change.

On a percularly clear day, as the foot soldier was watching the countryside, he though he saw somthing moving through the bushes. At first, he though it was a deer looking for food, but noticed that too many bushes were moving for it to be a deer. He took a telescope from his pocket, and looked through it where the bushes were moving. He saw that it was a rival warrior, and from Greece no less! Started by the intruder, the soldier took his Longbow off of his back, and readied an arrow. As the Grecian closed the distance, the foot soldier aim his bow, and fired. To his surprise, the Grecian raised a particularly large shield, and the arrow harmlesly bounched off. The foot soldier readied another arrow, and fired again. Just like the last one, the shield was raised and the arrow was bounced off.

Seeing that he needed to make this fight a little more up close & personal, the Foot Soldier set his bow down, and began to descend through the tower. A moment later, he finally got to the bottom floor. He could hear the Grecian slowly coming up the hill, so he set himself up for an ambush behind some sacks of flour. As soon as he got behind the flour sacks, the Grecian crept into the tower. Cautiously walking around, the Grecian was looking for the foot soldier. As he just passed the flour sacks, the Foot Soldier charged him, causing the both of them to bump over a table, knocking all of the contents to fall to the floor.

The two warrior got up onto their feet. Seeing each other face-to-face, both of them pulled out their blades. The Grecian's was small, but the sheen from the metal suggested that it was nothing to laugh at. The two warrior went after each other, and steel meet with steel. The blows from the Foot Soldier were impressive, but they weren't able to get past the shield of his opponent. Even when they did, the breastplate that his foe was wearing stopped his Longsword in it's tracks. Thinking that it was time for a quick change, he quickly sheathed his sword, and began to run up to the top of the tower.

Seeing that his opponent was retreating, the Grecian took the sling from his side, and put in a particularly large stone. He began to swing, and released his shot. It just missed the Foot Soldier's head as he was running up the stairs. Decided that fighting from afar wasn't going to work, the Grecian took his Xyston from his back, and took to the chase.

The Foot Soldier got to the top of the tower a minute later, with the Grecian not that far behind. The Foot Soldier tried to close the trap door to the top of the tower, but the Grecian was just too strong, and pushed the Foot Soldier off. A second later, both warrior were on top of the tower, with no way to escape. The fight had come down to who would die first, something that the both of them gladly accepted.

The Foot Soldier took the Glave that was right next to his bow, and readied it. The Grecian held his Xyston in one hand, and his shield was right in front. The two warriors began circling each other to see if there was an open spot. Suddenly, the Foot Soldier sprinted forward, quickly thrusting his weapon and the Grecian Shield in an effort to make his opponent a little more vulnerable. All his attacks did was make himself vulnerable, and the Grecian stabbed the Foot Soldier straight through his Buckler, and into his arm. The Foot Soldier attempted to take off his Buckler despite the pain he was feeling, but the Grecian saw an opening, and plunged his Xyston right through the Foot Soldier's Chainmail, and into his heart. The Foot Soldier body stumbled for a moment, then fell off the tower. His body landed onto the ground with a plain "Thud"

Greek Hoplite: 650
Xiphos Short Sword: 310
Xyston Spear: 310
Sling: 30

English Foot Soldier: 350
English Longsword: 225
English Glaive: 25
English Longbow: 100

Final Examination: The Hoplite's ability to overcome the Foot Soldier's armor, and the ability to maintain his own defense, allowed him to come out on top.

Strongest Weapon: The Hoplite's Xiphos & Xyston brough in an amazing 310 kills each, making them the strongest weapons.

Weakest Weapons: The Foot Soldier's Glave, givin it's length, brough in only 25 kills, making it the weakest weapon of this fight.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure guys how you found out that Chainmail is not effective against piercing weapons... Strong man is only able to deliver 115 Joules with Overhand slash and just 65 joules with underarm thrust. Any Riveted Chainmail would defeat that...
    At the other side, Bronze is not a top notch material, especially if it has to face Steel...
