Friday, April 13, 2012

Atilla the Hun vs Shaka Zulu

Beginning Analysis: What happens when the terror of Eastern Europe takes on the shaper of Southern Africa? Read on to see!?

Atilla the Hun Quick Bio
Before Vlad the Impaler terrorized Europe during the 15th century, there was Atilla. Ascending to the throne of the Hunnic Empire in 434 AD after his uncle Rugila died under mysterious circumstances, Atilla would go on to become the most power leader the Huns had ever scene. Unlike Vlad, Atilla was a bit less sophisticated. His main strategy was to ride along side a horde of his fellow Huns, and ravage Eastern Europe with sudden and bloody raids. He'd go through villages, kill everybody (that he could find) inside said villages, and go to the next village demanding tribute, and killing them if they didn't pay up.

Atilla the Hun Weapons
Short Range: Sword of Mars
Medium Range: Lasso
Long Range: Hunnic Composite Bow
Special: Scythian Axe
Armor: Leather Armor

Shaka Zulu Quick Bio
A perfect example of African rags to riches. Born outside of wedlock from somewhere between 1781 to 1787, Shaka was treated like dirt. In fact, he was named by father after a parasitic beetle, and was hated by both sides of his bloodline. When his father died in 1816, it was the perfect opportunity for Shaka to seize power, and show both sides of his heritage that he was a forced to be reckoned. When he took over the Zulus, he began transforming them into a power military force in Southern Africa, creating new weapons, training troops in new ways of fight, and inspiring terror among the enemies of the Zulu people. By the time he had died in 1828, the Zulu Nation was almost unstoppable.

Shaka Zulu Weapons
Short Range: Ikwah Spear
Medium Range: Spit of Poison
Long Range: Iwisa Club
Special: Zulu Axe
Armor: Ishlangu Shield

Who Got the Edge
Sword of Mars vs Ikwah Spear: Both weapons get the edge. With the Sword of Mars, you have a two-sided blade that is lightweight, yet heavy when it makes contact with a target. It also has the distinct advantage of being usable on foot or on horseback. While the Ikwah wasn't used on horseback, it was also a two-sided weapon, and it's thrusting capabilities were second to none in Southern Africa. The Ikwah could also be used in a slashing matter, though that always wasn't the case.
Lasso vs Spit of Poison: The Lasso gets the edge. With the Spit of Poison, you have to get in a bit close, and it doesn't actually kill you. With the Lasso, it can be tricky to get the noose around someone's neck, but once it's on, then that person is as good as dead.
Hunnic Composite Bow vs Iwisa Club: Atilla's bow gets the edge. It has a much greater range than the Iwisa, and it's killing potential is much greather. With the Iwisa, you do have a little bit of versatility in how it's used, but it's potential to kill at a distance is much less than it's ability to kill up close.
Scythian Axe vs Zulu Axe: The Zulu Axe gets the edge. It's increased length will allow it to get kills quicker than the Scythian Axe, and the larger axe head will inflict more serious wounds.
Leather Armor vs Ishlangu Shield: Atilla's armor gets the edge. Shaka's shield offers no support against Atilla's sword & axe, and while it may absorb a few arrows, it won't hold out against them in the long term. The only weapon it can protect against is the Lasso, and even then there's a good chance that the noose will get onto the shield, and pull it away.

Common Quality
Bloodthirst: Both of these warriors were incredibly bloodthirsty. Atilla's acts of cruelty & violence are legendary in Eastern Europe. To this day, whenever someone mentions his name, people still feel fear. Shaka Zulu was also a bloodthirsty warrior. His own soldiers were wary around him, and the tribes he would come across in his march to conquest would either surrender and join him, or die just as quickly.

It was high noon on the African plains. The sun was up in the middle of the sky, and animals of various kinds were going around, doing their usual things. On a small bushy plateau, the chieftain of the Zulu, Shaka Zulu, lied dead on the ground. Earlier, he had encountered a bizarre white man. He was covered up in clothes he'd never seen before, and carried weapons that were utterly devastating. Shaka had a fierce battle with this person, and almost had the edge, when the stranger thrusted a long metal blade into his gut. That last attack should have been the end for him, but it wasn't.
Shaka Zulu suddenly opened his eyes, and got right off of the ground. He looked to see where the stranger had stabbed him, and the only evidence that was there was a thin scar. He quickly looked around to see if the stranger was still in the area, but didn't see any signs of him. Catching a few breaths, Shaka set out to pick up his weapons that were scattered around. Immediately, he picked up his Ikwah Spear & Zulu Axe that were laying next to him. Next, he briskly walked down the hill, where he spotted his Iwisa Club & Ishlangu Shield. Before he could go and pick them up, he heard a noise coming from his left. He ran right over to the items, picked them up, and ducked right into a pile of dense bushes.
Shaka was well hidden in the bushes. He didn't want to over expose himself, as he didn't know what was coming his way. So he took the small headress he was wearing off, and took a quick peek. He saw a wild looking man riding on top of a horse, not unlike the kind of creature that the white man rode. The man that he saw, however, wasn't white. If fact, he didn't know what race he was. He wore clothes that were similar to the ones that the stranger had worn, but they seemed to have been put together a little more hastily. He had a beard & mustache that was just about as wild and unkempt as he was. The weapons were the next thing that caught his eye. There was an axe that was smaller than his, a type of bow he'd never seen before, a length of rope on the saddle of the horse, and a straight blade much small than the one that went through his gut.
Shaka ducked back into the bushes, just as the wild man was looking his way. Cursing himself for possibly getting noticed, he put his headress back on and waited for something to happen. The wild man got off of his horse, and started walking over to the bushes. He had his axe in hand, and his blade at the ready. He was within distance of peering into the bushes, when some fluid came up from the bushes, and into his eyes. The fluid was cool, but his eyes were on fire. He jumped right back , trying to get the fluid out of his eyes. Shaka then made his escape, running as fast as could and as far away as he could. The wild man wiped enough of the fluid from he eyes, just in time to see Shaka making his way into the open plains. He got back onto his horse, grabbed his bow, and started riding.
Shaka looked back, and saw that the wild man finished wiping the fluid from his eyes. That was faster than I thought, Shaka thought to himself. Just then, an arrow passed his head, then another. He quickly looked back, and saw that the wild man was firing his bow from horseback. An impressive feat, Shaka thought. As he was running, he reached for the Iwisa that he picked up. He looked back, and gave the club a toss. The length of wood flew through the air, and actually managed to hit the wild man in the chest. He fell right off his horse, and the creature, without knowing, broke the bow with his hoof as he stepped back and galloped off.
Shaka, grabbing his axe and spear, slowly approached the wild man's body. It wasn't moving, but Shaka didn't want to take any chances. He was about to poke the body with his spear, when the wild man suddenly got up, and started swinging with his own axe. Shaka jumped back to avoid getting gutted, but he did manage to get a scratch. Shaka looked down to see a little blood, then looked back up to see that the wild man now had his axe in one hand, and his blade in the other.
The two warriors were staring the other down, hoping to find some sort of opening or weakness. Strangely, Shaka sensed something in his opponent. It felt like something he had in common with the wild man, but he wasn't quite sure what it was. Just then, the wild man started attacking. He must have noticed that my mind wasn't completely in the fight, Shaka thought to himself. Shaka just kept blocking the wild man's attacks, each becoming more and more difficult to deflect. Finally, Shaka thrusted his Ikwah forward in an effort to gain some space, but to no avail. The wild man simply brought his axe down on the weapon, and cut it in half. Shaka looked up at his opponent's face, only to get kicked in the face.
Shaka fell to the ground. The kick dazed him, and he wasn't quite sure where he was at the moment. He got back up to his feet, only to find that he felt incredibly dizzy. It didn't help the fact that he really couldn't see anything well, on account of being dazed. The wild man finally saw his opening, and went right in. He spun around, and sliced at Shaka's stomach, loosening his guts. Shaka dropped to his knees, and howled out in agony. The wild man then stuck his axe in Shaka's back, intensifying the pain. Finally, to put the cherry on this incredibly painful sunday, he swung his blade right through Shaka's neck, decapitating him in an instant.
The wild man stopped moving in an effort to catch his breath. He walked right over to the headless body of the Zulu king, and picked up his bloody trophy. With a disturbing victory cry, the wild man walked off into the plains, determined to look for his horse.

Atilla the Hun: 596
Sword of Mars: 200
Lasso: 28
Hunnic Composite Bow: 300
Scythian Axe: 68

Shaka Zulu: 404
Ikwah Spear: 200
Spit of Poison: 0
Iwisa Club: 4
Zulu Axe: 200

Ending Assessment: Despite being around long before his opponent was born, Atilla the Hun won due to his bloodlust, savage cunning, and more practical weapons.
Strongest Weapon: With a greater range, and body-piercing 300 kills, the Hunnic Composite Bow takes the strongest weapon spot.
Weakest Weapon: Givin it's non-damaging capabilities, the Spit of Poison is the weakest weapon of this fight.