Friday, April 13, 2012

Quan Yu vs Gilgamesh

Beginning Analysis: What happens when one of China's most revered generals takes on the ancient world's most celebrated hero? Read on to see!?

Quan Yu
Short Range: Jian Sword
Medium Range: Chinese Spear
Long Range: Repeating Crossbow
Special: Flaming Arrows
Armor: Leather Breastplate & Bronze Helmet

Short Range: Koplesh Sickle-Sword
Medium Range: Sumerian Spear
Long Range: Sumerian Bow & Arrow
Special: Sumerian Axe
Armor: Cloth Armor & Copper Helmet

Who Got the Edge
Jian vs Koplesh: The Jian gets the edge. Although the Koplesh is a larger blade, it is only useful as a slashing weapon. The Jian on the other hand, can hack, slash, and stab.

Chinese Spear vs Sumerian Spear:
The Superian Spear gets the edge. The Chinese Spear is lethal, but with it's bamboo shaft, the chances of it breaking can be high if the user doesn't know what he's doing. The Sumerian Spear, on the other hand, was typically made of a hardwood shaft, and fixed with a copper blade that was larger than that of the Chinese Spear.

Repeating Crossbow vs Sumerian Bow & Arrow:
Both ranged weapons get the edge. The Sumerian Bow & Arrow has the crossbow beaten by range, while the Repeating Crossbow has the bow beaten by it's ammo capacity, and it's ability to deliver poison.

Flaming Arrows vs Sumerian Axe:
The Sumerian Axe gets the edge. The Flaming Arrows were really designed to take out groups, not individuals. With the Sumerian Axe, you are guaranteed to get a hit against a target.

Leather Breastblade & Bronze Helmet vs Cloth Armor & Copper Helmet: Quan Yu's armor gets the edge. With Gilgamesh, the only armor that can offer him any real protection is his helmet. Otherwise, the rest of his body is totally vulnerable.

It was high noon in the Gobi Desert, and the legendary Quan Yu was there for training.

After a small skirmish with a nearby kingdom, which ended in the deaths of a quarter of his men, Quan Yu decided to redeem himself through the heat & desolation of the desert. With only 3 days worth of food and water, he set out for the arid air of the Gobi, to return clean of his failure.

As of now, he was lairing in a small ruined fort. It was from a bygone civilization, as there was no way of identifying who built the place. Despite that, it was perfect for Quan Yu, or so he thought.

One day, as he was training in the fort's ruined courtyard, Quan Yu thought he heard the sound of horses riding towards the fort. Thinking it was nothing more than the heat getting to him, he continued to train until curosity got the best of him. He went to the east wall of the fort, took a spying glass from his belt pouch, and peered through it.

It was indeed horses that he heard, but these creatures were attached to a chariot that he'd never seen before. What was more interesting to him was the person driving the vehicle. He was rather tall, with a black beard that was unusually straight. He wore a helmet that cover the top, and back, of his head. The one thing that made Quan Yu laugh was the fact that this person wasn't wearing any sort of armor on the rest of his body. Despite that, this figure must have been sent to test Quan Yu by the spirits, and he would not fail.

Meanwhile, Gilgamesh arrived at the ruined fort. A moment before, he thought he saw someone on the east wall. Curious, he stopped his chariot right at where the front gate would have been. He got off his chariot, and took his weapons with him. His Koplesh and Sumerian Axe hung off of his waist, his Sumerian bow slung onto his back, and grasped in his right hand was his Sumerian Spear. He walked right in, expecting the figure he saw to suddenly appear from out of nowhere.

Something did come out from nowhere, however. A flaming arrow shot right past him, and landed on a darkened patch of sand. The sand suddenly burst into flames, effectively trapping Gilgamesh inside the fort. It was then that he saw the person who shot the arrow. He was grasping a bow, loaded with another flaming arrow. "Are you here to test me!?" Quan Yu asked.

Gilgamesh was surprised at the question, mostly because he didn't know how to answer it. He nodded his head in a negative response, and Quan Yu let loose the burning arrow. He was coming towards Gilgamesh, when he suddenly swat it with his spear. The burning projectile harmlessly fell to the ground, with the tip still smoking.

"Yes, you are the one." Quan Yu said.

Quan Yu placed his bow onto the ground, then grasped the Chinese Spear that he had brought with him. It's flexibility, coupled with the nasty iron tip on the end, was sure to give him the advantage.

Gilgamesh saw the crazed individual suddenly charge him. In response, he stabbed his spear into the ground, then took the Sumerian Bow off of his back, and knocked an arrow. He fired it, and the arrow soared through the air like a hawk going after a rat. The arrow, unfortunately, missed it's target, hitting the stone wall and bouncing off. He was about to load another arrow, when Quan Yu closed the distance, and swiped the bow out of Gilgamesh's hands.

Gilgamesh quickly plucked his spear out of the ground, and blocked Quan Yu's incoming attack. The two men began circling each other, sizing up the other, and looking for a weak spot in which to strike. Suddenly, Quan Yu started thrust his Chinese Spear at Gilgamesh's chest, hoping to stab him in the heart. Unfortunately for him, his opponent managed to break his spear in two. Shocked, he starting running towards the west wall, with Gilgamesh giving chase.

A moment later, and Quan Yu reached the west wall. He grabbed the Repeating Crossbow that he placed there earlier, then turned around to fire at Gilgamesh, who at this time was just starting to climb up the steps. He started firing, hoping that at least a single bolt would hit. One of them actually managed to hit Gilgamesh right in the shoulder, causing him to drop his Sumerian Spear. He tumbled down the steps, and landed on the ground. I got a chance now, Quan Yu thought to himself.

He quickly dropped his crossbow, and unsheathed his Jian Sword. This would be the weapon that will redeem me, Quan Yu thought. He went down the steps, intent of redeeming himself.

A moment later, and Quan Yu arrived at Gilgamesh's apparently lifeless body. He was about to reach and flip the body over, when Gilgamesh suddenly sprung up to his feet, grasping his Koplesh. The blade was definately impressive looking, Quan Yu thought. Let's see how well it works.

The two men started trading blows with their respective blade, and the sounds of metal clashing could be heard for miles in the desert. Quan Yu was certain that this was the moment for him, until Gilgamesh sliced right throw his sword arm, felling it in a clean attack. Quan Yu dropped to his knees, howling in pain, and losing blood fast. An axe to the head a second later, and he would never scream again.

Gilgamesh: 585
Koplesh Sickle-Sword: 85
Sumerian Spear: 200
Sumerian Bow & Arrow: 250
Sumerian Axe: 50

Quan Yu: 415
Jian Sword: 250
Chinese Spear: 50
Repeating Crossbow: 100
Flaming Arrows: 15

Ending Assessment: Despite being around much eariler than Quan Yu, Gilgamesh came through with his signature fearlessness & zeal.

Strongest Weapon: Both warriors had strong weapons. Quan Yu's Jian Sword, as well as Gilgamesh's Sumerian Bow & Arrow, brought in 250 kills.

Weakest Weapon: Quan Yu's Flaming Arrows brought in a measly 15 kills, making them the weakest weapon of this fight.

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