Friday, April 13, 2012

Ghosts vs Werewolves Weapon Preview

Ghost Weapons
Dissipating Touch: One of the most lethal aspects of a ghost is it's touch. It can make you feel just about anything it wants to: extreme cold or heat, searing acid, mental instability, or any other physically disabling sensation. If a ghost wanted to go for something a little more obvious, it can cause blisters or bleeding wounds when it touches someone. In modern ghost cases, the first sign of a haunting is scratches & other light cuts on a person's body.

Telekinesis: One of the more curious aspects of the paranormal & the scientific fields, Telekinesis is the ability to move around objects with the power of the mind. The term was first used by Russian researcher Alexander N. Aksakof back in 1890, Telekinesis has become a pop culture phenominon in and of itself, appearing in video games, movies, and other popular pastimes

Posession & Illusions: Ghosts are perhaps one of the more powerful species of undead, and nothings shows this more than it's ability to posess & trick the living. More stronger minds may be able to resist a ghost's advances, and possibly even force it out of their bodies, but lesser minds like that of children or certain older people can easily be taken over. If a ghost can get what it wants through the posession of a living being, then it can trick them through the use of illusions

Corporeality to Incorporeality: Sometimes a less hostile ghost may wish to interact with the living. To do so, it will leave it's comfort zone of being incorporeal to become a solid entity. If the living aren't convinced by it all, then the ghost may pepper in a few illusions to appear more alive than it actually is. More hostile ghosts use this tactic to trick the living into certain situations, and then posessing them to regain a hint of their former lives, or simply to kill them.

Werewolves Weapons
Werewolf Bite: Easily the most recognizable weapon of a werewolf, and the method by which Lycanthropy spreads. A werewolf's teeth size are on par with the animal that gives them their name, but sometimes they're a bit larger. Regardless, they are perfectly designed to rip flesh off of bones, break said bones, and spread it's disease. Most don't even know what they've become until it's too late

Werewolf Claw: If a werewolf doesn't rip you apart with it's teeth, it'll tear you apart with it's claws. Due to the transformation, a werewolf's arms has increased muscle mass, which gives it more strength. Because of that, a werewolf waists little time in pulling off people's limbs, or ripping into the chest to get at the delicious organs inside.

Lycanthropy: A mythical disease spawned from the werewolf mythology. Lycanthropy is the sickness by which a normal person turns into a beast of the night. Back in medieval stories, the only way to cure somebody of the disease was to kill them, since there was no actually cure. Clinical Lycanthropy is used in psychological studies to describe people who have, in their own minds, become a specific animal and act like such

Full Moon Transformation: On the night of a full moon, people who've been bitten by another werewolf transform. As the full moon shines, werewolves scour across the land, slaughtering just about every living thing that gets in front of them. When it reaches morning of the next day, the werewolves turn back into normal people, who become completely oblivious as to what happened the night before.

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