Friday, April 13, 2012

Doctor Richtofen vs Doctor Who

Beginning Analysis: What happens when the progenator of a army of the dead takes on one of science fiction's most famous icons? Read on to see!?

Doctor Richtofen Quick Bio
Taken from the Call of Duty Wiki:
"Beware The Doc". A message that was scrawled across walls of every town under Axis control. Starvation may cripple you, dysentery may wreck you, and gunfire may rip the flesh from your bones, but "Beware The Doc".
This is Dr. Richtofen, known affectionately as The Butcher to his victims as they scream in agony moments before he snuffs out their light. All through his career, Richtofen has been at the forefront of torture and information extraction research. Richtofen is an incurable sociopath and sees no moral distinction between natural death and murder; the victim is the victim, regardless of how their demise manifests itself.
Doctor Richtofen has a collection of stuffed animals, most of them posed in positions of terror at the instant of their death.

Doctor Richtofen Weapons
Short Range: Luger PO8 Pistol
Medium Range: MP44 Assault Rifle
Explosive: Stick Grenade
Special: Wunderwaffe DG-2

Doctor Who Quick Bio
First produced in 1963, Doctor Who told the story of the centuries-old Doctor, a time-travelling alien wandering the universe in the TARDIS, which looks exactly like a old British police box. There have been 11 doctors in the history of the show, with the current doctor played by Matt Smith. The 11th incarnation of the Doctor is an interesting character indeed: he is very quick tempered, yet is very compassionate around those who are his friends. What is most interesting about this Doctor is that his youthful age & appearance is at odds with his discerning, world-weary temperment. Such is the Doctor, as he would possibly say.

Doctor Who Weapons
Short Range: Webley Revolver
Medium Range: Sten Submachine Gun
Explosive: Time Bomb
Special: Sonic Screwdriver

Who Got the Edge
Luger vs Webley: The Luger gets the edge. It holds a slightly higher amount of rounds (8 rounds compared to the Webley's holding capacity of 6 rounds), has a larger variety of barrel lengths, lighter unloaded weight (871 grams compared to the Webley unloaded weight of 995 grams), and is a semi-automatic weapon compared to the revolver action of the Webley.
MP44 vs Sten: Both weapons get the edge. They have a near identical holding capacity (MP44 takes 30-round clips, while the Sten takes 32-round clips), a close firing rate (MP44 fires up to 500 rounds a minute, while the Sten fires up to 550 rounds a minute), but the MP44 has a greater effective range (300m compared to the Sten effective range of 150 to 200m), and the Sten weighs less when unloaded (3.26kg compared to the MP44's unloaded weight of 4.62kg).
Stick Grenade vs Time Bomb: Doctor Who's Time Bomb gets the edge. The Stick Grenade can only blow up and kill things, while the Time Bomb can kill things, disrupt the fabric of time, and erase living beings or objects from the same fabric.
Wunderwaffe DG-2 vs Sonic Screwdriver: Both sci-fi gadgets get the edge. The Wunderwaffe is packed with an overwhelming amount of electricity, and will kill any living thing with just one shot. On top of that, the amps within the Wunderwaffe can disrupt electronic equipment, including the Sonic Screwdriver, and possibly the TARDIS when it's in Time Bomb mode. However, it is entierly possible for the Sonic Screwdriver to disable the Wunderwaffe if Richtofen doesn't notice it in time. Also like the Wunderwaffe, the Sonic Screwdriver can take out electronic devices.

Common Quality
Mental Instability: Both of these warriors are a little crazy. Richtofen's insanity is very well known among his comrades, and it only gets worse when he goal is insight. When he finally arrived on the Moon, he finally gained control of the zombie horde that he created back in World at War. Doctor Who's insanity is more on the absent-minded professor side of things. He'll often ramble on about things, and not make a lot of sense. However, when there is a job to be done, his mind can become shockingly focus, and a no nonsense mood takes over.

Der Reise, 1945. The allies were continuing to march right through Germany, despoiling a wondrous land. This destruction, however, didn't disrupt the diabolical Doctor Richtofen. In a dingy, secluded lab within the monstrous factory, he was hard at work, finishing the touches to his latest implement of destruction, the Wunderwaffe DG-2. The voltage within would fry any living thing, and the arcing nature of the shots would ensure that the bodies would pile up quickly.
"Dr. Richtofen, you've outdone yourself!" he yelled out. Although nobody was in the factory, he still looked over both his shoulder, given the fact that he was highly paranoid. After looking back at the nearly compleated gun, he went back to work, and started talking to himself...again.
"This will be my greatest creation! When this little puppy is on the front lines, there will be no short supply of bodies. Ha ha, I said puppy!"
Just there, Doctor RIchtofen heard a whirling sound. As he put the final piece into the Wunderwaffe, the charges began to glow. Still, he hid the gun underneath the table, and grabbed the Luger that was next to him. The whirling sound was getting louder and louder as he walked down the hall, and it was starting to get on his nerves. Finally, he stopped in front of a window, and proped it open. What he saw in the courtyard below was definitely a strange sight, even for him.
In the middle of the courtyard was a police box. A British police box, to be exact. It was dark blue in color, with a small light on top that was pulsing in and out. Right near the top on all sides the words "Police Public Call Box" was displayed in white, and a small notice was on the front door.
Richtofen scratched his chin. "What the hell is one of those things doing here?" he asked himself. "I didn't know that our bombs could make something fly so far. Oh well, time to see what's inside."
Before he could go down the nearby flight of stairs to investigate, the door to the police box began to shake. Richtofen continued to watch the door shake, until it folded open, and a curious gentleman stepped out.
Richtofen had seen a lot of strange characters in his line of work, but never one like this. His short brown hair has parted to the right, he had dark brown eyes and a pointed nose, but it was his clothes that had him stand out in the dismal place. This person wore striped brown pants and a coat, a striped white shirt, and perhaps one of the dorkiest red bowties that has ever existed. The person turned around, and closed the folding door. He turned back to face the rest of the factory, and pulled out what looked like a small pen with a light on top. With a push of the button, the light began to glow with a green hue.
"Oooooh, that looks shiny." said a excited Richtofen. He began to creep towards the stairs to avoid getting spotted, but the person pointed his pen-like device right at the window, somehow spotting the dear doctor.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you!" the person yelled. "Come on down, and let's talk!"
Richtofen silently let out a small curse, then walked back to the window. "No, I'm fine!" he yelled out of the window. "I'm doing just great up here. By the way, who the hell are you?"
The person put the pen-device back into his coat pocket, then cleared his throat. "I'm the doctor." he said seriously. "Who are you?"
"That's not fair." said Richtofen, slamming his fist down on the window paine. "I'm the doctor!"
"You're the doctor?" the 2nd doctor asked. "That can't be, cause I'm toe doctor."
Richtofen slammed his fist down on the window paine again. "No, I'm the doctor." he growled.
The 2nd doctor let out a small smirk. "No, I'm the doctor." he said again.
Richtofen, fed up with the imposter making fun of him, aimed his Luger right at him, and let loose the entire clip. The 2nd doctor ran behind the box, as the bullets hit the box and bounced all over the place. Smoke came out of the Luger's barrel, and Richtofen had sweat coming down from his forehead. He waited for the imposter to come out from behind the box, and he loaded up a another clip into the gun. A moment goes by, and nothing happens. A few more moments go by, and still nothing. Finally, Richtofen went down the stairs to investigate, and was within distance of the box, when the 2nd doctor tumbled into view, holding a Webley Revolver. He quickly got back to his feet, and shot the Luger right out of Richtofen's hand. A wisp of smoke came out of the Webley, as the 2nd doctor was still holding the gun. Richtofen, sensing that this person, was a bit on the unstable side, ran his way into a laboratory, while the 2nd doctor gave chase.
Richtofen was panicking. He was being chased by a somebody who was as crazy as he was. There were only a few lights on, and they gave a hazy glow over the vials & tanks in the lab. At the back of the room was a cage, and within were 3 ravenous zombies. Stroking his chin, Richtofen got an idea.
The 2nd doctor came bursting into the room, and saw the 3 zombies at the end. He didn't see any signs of Richtofen, so he cautiously began to walk through the lab. Just then, Richtofen bursted into the room, and slammed on a button next to the cages. The bars raised up, and the zombies came out. Two of them began to shamble towards the 2nd doctor, while the last zombie began to head towards Richtofen. Cursing himself again, he ran back through the door, leaving the 2nd doctor to fight the shambling dead coming at him.
The 2nd doctor looked at how many bullets were left in the Webley's chamber. 5, he counted to himself. He looked back up, and the zombies were getting within distance. The Webley was waised, and all 5 of the rounds came wizzing out, landing in the heads of the walking dead, who promptly fell down with sickening thuds. The 2nd doctor was breathing heavy, and he dropped the Webley. He continued to stare at the re-dead corpses, and then he realized that this "Richtofen" had to be stopped.
Meanwhile, Richtofen continued to run down the hall, with a ravenous zombie following right behind him. He didn't have a gun to shoot with, since that other doctor shot his Luger out of his hands. That zombie looks rather hungry, Richtofen thought to himself. If I don't kill it soon, I might get eaten!
Luckily, Richtofen noticed an MP44 on the ground. He quickly picked it up, and aimed it right at the zombie's head. With a pull of the trigger, the gun unleashed a torrent of bullets, and opened up the skull like a ripe watermelon. Blood and brain matter went all over the place, and the re-dead zombie fell down in a rotten heap. As the smoke came out of the MP44's barrel, Richtofen could see the 2nd doctor come through the door, and let loose a few more rounds. Most of them landed in the wall, but two of them knocked the Webley out of the imposter's hand. The other doctor looked up, and saw Richtofen aiming his rifle at him. Before he could fire the MP44 again, the other doctor took out the pen-like device he had earlier, and pointed it at the gun. With a push of the button, the MP44 just seized up. Richtofen tried to shoot, but the weapon just refused to work.
"Listen, I have no choice but to eliminate you." the 2nd doctor said, while continuing to point the pen-like device at Richtofen. "There has never been a threat to space or time like you, and that's enough for me to kill."
"A threat to space & time?" Richtofen asked sinisterly. "I like the sound of that!"
"Well, you're not going to live long to inflict that fear." the 2nd doctor said. He tweaked the pen-like device, and the green light became a crimson hue. The other doctor pointed it right at Richtofen's head, but his target started running as soon as the light changed colors. Letting out a sigh, the 2nd doctor ran right after him.
Luckily, Richtofen ran into the lab were he was working on the Wunderwaffe. He opened the case, and cradled the electric behemoth in his hands. Just then he heard the door shaking. He hid behind a second desk, just as the door slammed open. The other doctor walked in, and began to look around for his target. Suddenly, Richtofen rose up from behind the desk, and aimed the Wunderwaffe right at the doctor. Before he pulled the trigger, he asked is strange foe one question.
"Hey, funny man, do you like the smell of sizzling meat?"
"Well, I do happen to enjoy a spot of baco..."
He was interrupted by a jolt of electricity going right into his arm. The pain was immense, but he was still standing.
"Damn!" shouted Richtofen. "Looks like I have to make things a bit more painful." He turned a small knob on the Wunderwaffe, and the charges on the gun became brighter. The doctor tried to activate his pen-like device, but another jolt of electricity overloaded it, causing it to short out. He knew that his time was short, so he started to make his way back to the police box. He stepped out of the lab, and began to stumble back, when a final zap coursed through his spinal cord. His entire body shook, then fell to the ground. It shook again for a few seconds, as some faint traces of electricity we still around. After about a half-minute, the body stopped shaking.
Richtofen ejected the spent charges from the Wunderwaffe, and they clinked when they hit the ground. He walked right over to the body of the imposter doctor, and gloated over his victory.
"I was asking if you liked sizzling meat cause that's what I was going to turn you into! Ah ha ha ha!"

Doctor Richtofen: 666
Luger PO8: 100
MP44 Assault Rifle: 200
Stick Grenade: 66
Wunderwaffe DG-2: 300

Doctor Who: 334
Webley Revolver: 50
Sten Submachine Gun: 50
Time Bomb: 200
Sonic Screwdriver: 34

Ending Assessment: Both of these men are highly dangerous, but Doctor Richtofen had more of a agressive drive, and a unquenching thirst for power that Doctor Who couldn't handle.
Strongest Weapon: With a jolting 300 kills, the Wunderwaffe DG-2 is the strongest weapon of this fight.
Weakest Weapon: Despite it's usefulness, the Sonic Screwdriver only brought in 34 kills, thus taking the weakest weapon spot in this battle.

1 comment:

  1. You know that the doctor can regenerate, right? That is why 13 actors were able to play him. So, if this is a bit of sense, when he killed the doctor, the doctor starts to regenerate. As he go away, the doctor comes up and kills him with sonic screwdriver.
