Mark Anthony Quick Bio
Taken from Wikipedia: "Mark Antony (Latin: M·ANTONIVS·M·F·M·N) (January 14, 83 BC – August 1, 30 BC) was a Roman politician and general. As a military commander and administrator, he was an important supporter and loyal friend of his mother's cousin, Julius Caesar. After Caesar's assassination, Antony formed an official political alliance with Octavian (the future Augustus) and Lepidus, known to historians today as the Second Triumvirate.
The triumvirate broke up in 33 BC. Disagreement between Octavian and Antony erupted into civil war, the final war of the Roman Republic, in 31 BC. Antony was defeated by Octavian at the naval Battle of Actium, and in a brief land battle at Alexandria. He and his lover Cleopatra committed suicide shortly thereafter. His career and defeat are significant in Rome's transformation from Republic to Empire."
Mark Anthony Weapons
Short Range: Gladius
Medium Range: Pilum Javelin
Long Range: Roman Bow & Arrow
Armor: Roman Breastplate
Darius the Great Quick Bio
Taken from Wikipedia: "Darius I, the Great (Old Persian:
Darius ascended the throne by overthrowing the alleged magus usurper of Bardiya with the assistance of six other Persian noble families; Darius was crowned the following morning. The new king met with rebellions throughout his kingdom and quelled them each time. A major event in Darius's life was his expedition to punish Athens and Eretria for their aid in the Ionian Revolt and subjugate Greece. Darius expanded his empire by conquering Thrace and Macedon and invading Scythia, home of the Scythians, nomadic tribes who invaded Media and had previously killed Cyrus the Great.
Darius organized the empire by dividing it into provinces and placing satraps to govern it. He organized a new uniform monetary system, along with making Aramaic the official language of the empire. Darius also worked on construction projects throughout the empire, focusing on Susa, Pasargadae, Persepolis, Babylon and Egypt. Darius devised a codification of laws for Egypt. He also had the cliff-face Behistun Inscription carved, an autobiography of great modern linguistic significance. Darius also started many massive architectural projects, including magnificent palaces in Persepolis and Susa."
Darius the Great Weapons
Short Range: Khoplesh
Medium Range: Egyptian Spear
Long Range: Egyptian Bow & Arrow
Armor: Scale Armor
Who Got The Edge
Gladius vs Khoplesh: The Khoplesh gets the edge. Although earlier examples were made of bronze, the blade has a greater reach than the Gladius. In addition to the reach, the Khoplesh's particular shape increases the chance for it to disarm someone, or possibly take away a shield if a fighter is using one.
Pilum Javelin vs Egyptian Spear: The Pilum gets the edge. The Egyptian Spear does have a decent length, but it can't be thrown because of it's length. The Pilum can be used up close, but it's strength relies on it's ability to be thrown and get stuck in the enemy's armor.
Roman Bow & Arrow vs Egyptian Bow & Arrow: The Roman Bow & Arrow gets the edge. It is made from higher quality materials, the arrow tips were also made from better materials (the Romans used iron, while the Egyptian arrow tips were made from flint, bronze, and iron), and the shooter can put more strength into each of his shots.
Roman Breastplate vs Scale Armor: Both of these armors get the edge. They both offer roughly the same amount of protection, but the Roman Breastplate is made from superior material and is heavier, while the Scale Armor is lighter, but made from weaker materials.
Common Quality
Passion: Both of these warriors were highly passionate. Mark Anthony had a great love for his empire, and a great love for Cleopatra. He would do anything to protect either of them, and he wouldn't allow anything to get in his way. Darius the Great was a great ruler, who had many interesting ideas and plans about his empire. Whenever he saw a chance to improve his empire, he took it.
"General Anthony, are you sure he's coming?" asked a legionnaire to his commander.
Mark Anthony did not answer him. He was on-top of his horse, looking out onto the scorching desert. It should be pointed out that it was high afternoon in the Egyptian Desert, and the sun's heat was so immense, even the smallest of creatures would die in a fiery instant. The two legionnaires were standing right next to their leader, keeping eyes out for their target. As Anthony began to take a drink of water from his treated animal stomach, one of his men tapped him on the leg, pointing out into the desert. Anthony quickly put the stomach back into the satchel, and looked through a spyglass that the legionnaire to his right gave him. Sure enough, Anthony could see someone riding in on a horse, leading a chariot piloted by another warrior, with a very stately individual standing next to him. Smiling, Mark Anthony handed the spyglass back to the legionnaire, who was quick to ask him a question.
"Sir, is that Lord Darius coming this way?"
"Indeed." replied Anthony with a grim tone to his voice. "He's been giving Lady Cleopatra trouble, and I've decided to take up this matter personally."
"Understood sir." the Legionnaire said.
As Darius and his two men were getting closer and closer, Mark Anthony was readying his bow for a fatal shot on the horse rider. The arrow had wicked barbs on it, so it was certain that it would cause a nasty wound. With the wind just right, and the horse rider in the right position, Anthony let loose the barbed arrow. It flew with the grace of Ceaser's speed, right at the horse rider. The arrow landed right in the rider's chest, and pierced the heart. The rider's horse just stopped, and the body fell right onto the hot desert sand.
Mark Anthony: 3/Darius the Great: 2
Anthony handed the bow back to the legionnaire on his left, who quickly hooked it back onto his horse's saddle. When the chariot slowed down, that was when he gave the order.
"Men...let's ride!"
The two legionnaires immediately got on their horses, and the group of three began riding down the sandy hill after Darius. Seeing the small group coming towards him, Darius grasped his prized bow, and readied a thin, leaf-shaped arrow, which was perfect for piercing armor. When the group got close enough to be hit, he let loose the arrow, and it quickly made contact with the legionnaire riding on Anthony's left. The horse the legionnaire was riding immediately bucked the body off, and it tumbled down a small sand dune. Anthony had no time to inspect the body more closely, but he could see from a distance that there was no helping that soldier.
Mark Anthony: 2/Darius the Great: 2
Darius smiled, and he immediately ordered his chariot rider to speed off away from this scene. Mark Anthony and the surviving legionnaire spurred their horses to ride faster, and the horses did. Darius tried to get his rider to make the horses pull the chariot faster than they already were, but the driver said to him that the horses were already under enough stress from what was going on. Getting a little frustrated, Darius grasped the reigns from his soldier, who moved over to the left. As he tried to grabbed the spear, he was greeted by a legionnaire riding right next to him, and a second later he was also greeted by a Pilum to the stomach. The soldier tried to pull the javelin out, but in the process accidentally fell out of the chariot, and shoving the Pilum further into his body, causing it to pierce his backside.
Mark Anthony: 2/Darius the Great: 1
Darius quickly looked to his right, and saw the legionnaire getting another Pilum ready. Reacting like a hawk, he quickly picked up the spear, and thrusted it into the legionnaire's neck. Blood started gushing out, and the legionnaire tried all he could to stop the bleeding, but the effort was useless. Within a few more seconds, the legionnaire suddenly lost consciousness, then fell off his horse, and onto the desert sand with a muffled thump.
Mark Anthony: 1/Darius the Great: 1
Seeing an opportunity to end his rival, Mark Anthony drew his Gladius, and rode up to Darius's right. Darius promptly dropped the spear, and drew his highly decorate Khoplesh. Anthony got a little closer, and the two began dueling. The sounds of metal clanging against metal could be heard all over as the wind carried the sounds of battle all over. Unfortunately for Anthony, Darius's Khoplesh kept him at arm's length most of the time, making it difficult for him to land a killing blow. Yet he was able to get a couple hits in on Darius's blade, so the hope wasn't completely diminished.
The two continued to ride through the desert, clashing swords. Darius was starting to get a little tired, but he still fought back with as much as he could give. Mark Anthony wasn't showing any signs of fatigue, which was remarkable given the environment he was in. This fight went on, until Anthony finally saw the opening he was looking for. As Darius raised his arm particularly high, Anthony got a cut in on the underside of the limb, causing his opponent to drop the blade. Darius looked at the desert for just one fatal second, as he felt Anthony's Gladius slid quickly across his throat. The torrent of blood was gory, yet somehow impressive at the same time. The body of the now dead king fell into the desert sands, and Mark Anthony knew that his job was done. Now all he needed to do was get out of the desert, and find a nice piece of shade to rest in.
Mark Anthony: 1/Darius the Great: 0
Mark Anthony: 615
Gladius: 100
Pilum Javelin: 115
Roman Bow & Arrow: 400
Darius the Great: 385
Khoplesh: 150
Egyptian Spear: 85
Egyptian Bow & Arrow: 150
Ending Assessment: Although Darius had greater power, Mark Anthony had superior technology, as well as a superior mind.
Strongest Weapon: With an unprecedented 400 kills, Mark Anthony's bow & arrow takes the strongest weapon spot.
Weakest Weapon: Although it had a great length, Darius's spear, with it's 85 kills it sits at the weakest weapon table.
Next Fight: Paradise Lost vs Alice Cooper, in the first ever Deadliest Warrior: Battle of the Bands!
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